This ESL writing worksheet introduces students to the correct usage of “although” and “even though” by presenting several sample sentences, after which students can practice rewriting sentences using “although” or “even though”.


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Although / Even though

Sentence Pattern:
[sentence], [sentence]
Even though [sentence], [sentence]

It was raining, but I still walked to school.
-Although it was raining, I walked to school.
-Even though it was raining, I walked to school.

I’m a vegetarian, but I sometimes eat fish.
-Although I’m a vegetarian, I sometimes eat fish.
-Even though I’m a vegetarian, I sometimes eat fish.

We missed the beginning of the movie, but we still enjoyed it a lot.
-Even though we missed the beginning of the movie, we enjoyed it a lot.
-Although we missed the beginning of the movie, we still enjoyed it a lot.


Rewrite these sentences using “although” or “even though”. (See page 78 for sample answers.)

1. I believe in ghosts, but I don’t have any evidence that they exist.




2. I moved to the USA, but I still keep in touch with my friends in Korea.




3. Craig is sick today, but he is still working very hard.




4. I hurried to the post office, but it was closed when I got there.




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