This is Lesson 17, “Last Week,” from our book of beginner-level adult ESL lessons, “ESL Pathways: Foundations”. The lesson starts with a short timeline about what “Anita” did last week, followed by a dialogue between Anita and a friend, and comprehension questions. Students then fill in a chart about what they did last week, answer discussion questions, and complete a grammar review. This lesson is available for free download, and you can download many other adult ESL lessons like this one in our book ESL Pathways: Foundations.

ADULT ESL LESSONS: Last Week (Text-Only Version)

Anita was busy last week.  

  • On Monday she went shopping and bought groceries.  She went to the supermarket and then to the outdoor market.
  • On Tuesday she stayed at home.  She did the laundry and did housework.
  • On Wednesday she did some gardening and cleaned outside the house.
  • On Thursday she went to the post office to buy some stamps and to send a package. Then, she went to the bank to deposit some money.
  • On Friday she went to yoga class at the gym.
  • On Saturday she helped her children with their homework and then they all went out to eat.  They went to an Italian restaurant.  Anita had spaghetti.  Her husband had lasagna.  The children had pizza.
  • On Sunday the family went to the beach.  At the beach Anita read a book.  Her husband and the children played in the water.  The weather was good.  It was sunny and warm.  When they went home that evening they were all tired, so they all went to bed early.  The children went to bed at nine o’clock.  Anita and her husband went to bed at ten o’clock.

Dialogue:  Anita is talking on the phone to Kathy. 

Anita:  Hello, is Kathy home?

Kathy:  This is Kathy.  

Anita:  Hi Kathy, this is Anita.

Kathy:  Hi Anita.  How have you been?

Anita:  I have been fine.  How was your week?

Kathy:  Pretty busy, as usual.

Anita:  What did you do this week?

Kathy:  Well, I went to work everyday of course.

Anita:  I know, what else did you do?

Kathy:  On Monday I went swimming, on Wednesday I read a new novel.

Anita:  That sounds like fun.  I have been busy as well.

Kathy:  What did you do last week?

Anita:  On Monday I went shopping, on Tuesday and Wednesday I did chores.

Kathy:  What did you do on the weekend?

Anita:  On Saturday we went out to eat.  On Sunday we went to the beach.

Kathy:  That sounds like you had a great week.

Anita:  Yes I did.  It was nice to talk to you.

Kathy:  Yes, it was.  Thanks for calling, Anita.  

Anita:  Goodbye Kathy.

Kathy:  Goodbye Anita.  I’ll call you next week.


  1. What did Anita do on Monday?
  2. Where did she go first on Monday?
  3. What did she do on Tuesday
  4. What did she do on Wednesday?
  5. What did she do on Thursday?
  6. Where did she go first on Thursday?
  7. Where did she go on Friday?
  8. What did she do on Saturday?
  9. What did everyone have for dinner?
  10. Where did they go on Sunday?
  1. How was the weather?
  2. What time did they all go to bed?
  3. What did Kathy do on Monday?
  4. What did she do on Wednesday?
  5. Who called whom?
  6. Who answered the phone?
  7. Who will call whom next week?

Activity:  Last Week

Write down what you did each day last week.  Use the past tense.

Discussion Questions:   

  1. Who usually buys groceries for your family?  What groceries does he or she buy?  Where does he or she go to buy groceries?
  2. Who usually does the laundry for your family?  How often?
  3. Do you have a garden in your house?  Do you have any plants inside your house?  How about any flowers?
  4. Do you ever go to the post office?  What do you do there?
  5. Do you ever go to the bank?  What do you do there?
  6. Do you do yoga?  What kind of exercise do you like to do?  What kind of exercise do you dislike?
  7. Which restaurant do you like?  What do you like to order there?
  8. Do you like pizza?  What kind do you like?  Where do you eat it?
  9. Do you like to go to the beach?  What do you like to do there?
  10. When do you usually go to bed on Sunday nights?

Grammar Focus:  Past Tense

What did Anita do?  Fill in the blanks with the past tense.

On Monday she ________ and ___________ groceries.  She __________ to the

supermarket and then to the outdoor market.  

On Tuesday she  __________ at home and _______the laundry and _________

inside the house.  

On Wednesday she _____ some gardening and __________ outside the house.  

On Thursday she _______________to the post office to buy some stamps and to

send a package.  Then she  _____________to the bank to deposit some money.  

On Friday she ____________ to yoga class at the gym.  

On Saturday ____________her children with their homework and then they all

___________ out to eat.  

On Sunday the family ____________to the beach.


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