ESL Phonics Lessons: Long e vs. Short i
ESL Phonics: Long e and Short i. List of words comparing these similar sounds.
ESL Phonics: Long e and Short i. List of words comparing these similar sounds.
ESL Phonics: Short i, Long i, Long e Tongue Twisters. Practice reading these fun tongue twisters to help differentiate between these similar vowel sounds.
ESL Phonics: Long "e" - Read for Speed! Practice reading this reading passage as fast as you can!
ESL Phonics: Short and Long Vowels. List of words with similar vowel sounds and sentences to practice reading them in context.
ESL Phonics: Short and Long "u." List of words comparing the short and long "u" sounds.
ESL Phonics: Short and Long "o." List of words comparing the short and long "o" sounds.
ESL Phonics: Short and Long "i". List of similar words comparing the short and long "i" sounds.
ESL Phonics: Short and Long "e". List of similar words with slightly different vowel sounds.
ESL Phonics: Short and Long "a." Extensive word list and sentences comparing the short and long "a" sounds.
ESL Phonics: Consonant Blends "thr" and "fr." Extensive word list and sentences using these consonant blends.
ESL Phonics: Consonant Digraphs sh and ch - Story
ESL Phonics: Consonant Digraphs "ch" and "tch." Extensive word list featuring several words with these consonant digraphs.