Don’t Say the Words! (Advanced: Transportation)
This game, similar to Taboo, is a lot of fun and can be adapted for all levels! Instructions: Print and cut out the cards below. Have a student choose…
ESL games for students of all ages, including simple ESL games for beginner students as well as more advanced ESL games for older students, adults, and advanced English learners. These ESL games and activities are a great way to add some fun to your classes and get students engaged in learning English!
This game, similar to Taboo, is a lot of fun and can be adapted for all levels! Instructions: Print and cut out the cards below. Have a student choose…
This game, similar to Taboo, is a lot of fun and can be adapted for all levels! Instructions: Print and cut out the cards below. Have a student choose…
The games on this page are simple, time-tested ways of injecting fun into a class with young learners. You may recognize some of these games as variations on games from…
This game is modeled after the popular American game show "Family Feud". Instructions: This game will take two class periods to complete. Hand out a survey at the beginning…
Instructions: Put the students into teams. Read each question, giving them a short amount of time to discuss and write an answer. Depending on your students’ level, you may need…
Instructions: Print out the Ad Lib story below. In front of the class, go through each of the blanks, and ask them to yell out a word that corresponds to…
Instructions: Put the students into teams. Read each question, giving them a short amount of time to discuss and write an answer. Depending on your students’ level, you may need…
Instructions: Print out the Ad Lib story below. In front of the class, go through each of the blanks, and ask them to yell out a word that corresponds to…
Instructions: Cut as many strips for the number of students that you have (see sample strips below). The students have to walk around and read their part of the sentence…
Instructions: You can use this activity in two ways: Cut out the dialogue strips (see samples below) and hand out one strip to each student. Students will then have to…
Instructions: These dialogues can be used as a conversation starter or as a follow-up to the finished dialogues. Give the students the unfinished dialogue. Have them fill in the blanks…
Instructions: Put the students into teams. Read each question, giving them a short amount of time to discuss and write an answer. Depending on your students’ level, you may need…