ESL EDB Lessons for ClassIn!

Check out our sister site ESLedb for a growing library of online ESL lessons in .edb & pdf format, designed for the ClassIn online teaching platform!

Level 0: English Lessons for Absolute Beginners

Each of the units below contains 10 lessons, designed for students with no background knowledge of English. The lessons are intended for 25-minute classes but can easily be adapted for shorter/longer classes as well. Each of the units below contains 10 lessons, designed for young, beginner-level English students. The lessons are intended for 25-minute classes but can easily be adapted for shorter/longer classes as well. Each lesson comes in two formats: edb format (interactive, with draggable elements, for use on the ClassIn teaching platform), and pdf format (static, without interactive elements, for use on any platform). The links will open in a new tab.

Level 1: Beginner-Level English Lessons

Each of the units below contains 10 lessons, designed for young, beginner-level English students. The lessons are intended for 25-minute classes but can easily be adapted for shorter/longer classes as well. Each lesson comes in two formats: edb format (interactive, with draggable elements, for use on the ClassIn teaching platform), and pdf format (static, without interactive elements, for use on any platform). The links will open in a new tab.

Level 2: High-Beginner English Lessons (Coming Soon!)

Level 3: Low-Intermediate English Lessons (Coming Soon!)

Level 4: Intermediate English Lessons (Coming Soon!)