ESL Writing: Instead of / Rather than (review worksheet)

In this worksheet, students have the chance to practice making sentences with the phrases “instead of” and “rather than”.


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Instead of / Rather than – REVIEW

Rewrite these sentences using “instead of” or “rather than.”

1. I’ve had bad experiences with Western doctors, so I decided to go to a Chinese doctor.



2. Although most of my friends studied in the US, I decided to study in the UK.



3. In some countries, when people meet, they don’t shake hands, but they kiss each other.



4. We wanted to go to Thailand on vacation, but the tickets were too expensive, so we went to Japan.



5. If you saved your money and didn’t spend it all, you could buy something really nice.




Now write two of your own sentences, using “instead of” or “rather than”:

1. ______________________________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________________________